春节过后,北方的广袤大地上还在瑞雪纷飞。在北京,窗外春寒料峭,而印刷工业出版社已充满勃勃生机,一派春意盎然了。墙上挂的《大漠情》、《海滨情》、《豪华居室》、《花艺世界》、《田园风光》等一册册’95年挂历,象凌霜傲雪的郁金香,象铮铮铁骨的寒梅,象迎春花,把出版社装点得光彩夺目,满室生辉。 这些挂历,从不同角度反映了生活的多姿多彩。《大漠情》是摄影作者对荒无人烟、枯燥无味的大沙漠作了奇特的打扮。骆驼的铃声令
After the Spring Festival, the vast land in the north is still flying in Ruixue. In Beijing, the window is cold and chilly, and the printing industry press has been full of vitality. Hanging on the wall, “Depression”, “Seaside Love”, “Luxurious Room”, “Flower World”, “Rural Scenery” and a volume of ’95 calendar, like Lingshui Aoxue’s tulip, like the iron skeleton of the plum, Like the spring flowers, the publishing houses were dazzling and full of brilliance. These calendars reflect the colorful life from different perspectives. “The Great Amorous Feelings” is a photographic author who has made a peculiar dress up for deserted, boring deserts. Ringing order for camels