治疗原则和措施如下: (一)非手术治疗除病变重(中耳有肉芽、胆脂瘤等)或已有颅内外并发症者外,均应首选该法。 1.全身疗法主要在于改善患儿全身状态,加强营养,增强全身抗病能力。若有贫血、肾病等应同时积极调治。 2.病因疗法根据中耳炎乳突炎发病的原因,彻底治疗鼻、鼻窦、扁桃体、咽部的慢性炎性灶,有助于改善咽鼓管功能,以便使该部炎性灶尽快治愈消除。 3.局部疗法主要是治疗耳溢脓,达到干耳。①引流:清除外耳道结痂、耳垢、脱屑,对穿孔小引流不畅者,可以吸引或扩大穿孔,用3%双氧水清洁耳道。对小穿孔病例最好不用粉剂,以免集结成块状堵塞通道,造成脓汁引流不畅。亦可行咽鼓管
The treatment principles and measures are as follows: (a) non-surgical treatment in addition to disease weight (middle ear granulation, cholesteatoma, etc.) or have intracranial complications, should be the preferred method. 1. Systemic therapy is mainly to improve the general condition of children, strengthen nutrition, enhance systemic disease resistance. If anemia, kidney disease, etc. should also actively regulate. Etiology therapy According to the causes of otitis media mastoiditis, thorough treatment of the nose, sinuses, tonsils, pharynx chronic inflammatory lesions, help to improve eustachian tube function, in order to make the Ministry of inflammation cured as soon as possible to eliminate. 3. Local therapy is mainly the treatment of ear overflow pus, to dry ears. ① drainage: removal of external auditory canal scab, earwax, scaling, poor perforation of the small drainage, you can attract or expand perforation, with 3% hydrogen peroxide to clean the ear canal. Small cases of perforation is best not to powder, so as not to block the blockage channel, resulting in poor drainage of pus. Eustachian tube is also feasible