水竹是一种具有良好开发前景的笋用竹种。对浙江省遂昌县白马山林场水竹生长特性的研究表明, 水竹笋期为4 月中下旬至6 月中旬, 其中5 月3 日至5 月30日为出笋高峰期, 是竹笋单产形成的重要阶段。末期延续时间较长, 此期应加强肥水管理, 以提高竹笋单株产量。为保证竹林的更新复壮, 根据秆形生长和枝叶生长特性, 应在出笋盛期做好留笋养竹工作, 留养新竹04 ~05 万株·h m - 2·a - 1 , 使竹林密度保持在20 万株·h m - 2 。参2
Bamboo is a kind of bamboo with good development prospects. The study on the growth characteristics of water bamboo in Baimashan Forest Farm of Suichang County in Zhejiang Province showed that the water bamboo shoot period was from the middle of April to the middle of June, of which the bamboo shoots yield was the highest from May 3 to May 30 The important stage. The last period of longer duration, this period should be to strengthen fertilizer and water management, in order to improve single shoot yield. In order to ensure the renewal and rejuvenation of bamboo groves, according to the characteristics of stalk growth and the growth of branches and leaves, 1, keep the density of bamboo plant at 20 thousand hm - 2. Participation 2