本文研究反击锤式破碎机的优化设计 ,提出以力、能量、锤头稳定性、几何条件、不发生运动干涉、转子轴和滚动轴承的强度等为约束条件 ,以破碎能量利用率为目标的优化设计数学模型。给出的计算实例表明了新机型有更优的设计质量和更高的使用效率
In this paper, the optimal design of the counterattack hammer crusher is studied, and the optimization of crushing energy utilization is put forward with the constraint of force, energy, hammerhead stability, geometric conditions, no motion interference, the strength of the rotor shaft and the rolling bearing as the constraint Design mathematical models. The given calculation example shows that the new model has better design quality and higher efficiency