【摘 要】
汉玉精雕:《孟子》选Excerpts from Mencius 梁惠王(下) King Hui of Liang (Part II) King Xuan of Qi went to see Mencius, who was accommodated in the Snow Palace. "Do people of merit also take pleasure in this?" ask
汉玉精雕:《孟子》选Excerpts from Mencius
King Hui of Liang (Part II)
King Xuan of Qi went to see Mencius, who was accommodated in the Snow Palace. "Do people of merit also take pleasure in this?" asked the King.
诺兰和他的电影 2010年7月起在全球上映并引起轰动的《盗梦空间》(Inception)是导演诺兰(christopher Nolan,拥有英美两国双重国籍)的最新作品。上映两个月后该片的全球票房达到了七亿多美元。 1970年出生于英国的诺兰可谓好莱坞当下炙手可热的青年导演。他7岁起就用父亲的超8摄像机拍摄影片,19岁时就在公共广播网上展出自己的电影作品。进入伦敦大学之后,诺兰学的是英国文学,
I am walking down a street in Los Angeles. Coming towards me is a stern-looking woman wearing a T-shirt that says:
Literature has been the salvation of the damned; literature has inspired and guided lovers, routed despair and can perhaps in this case save the world.
苏珊·桑塔格(1933~2004)出生于美国纽约,先后求学于美国芝加哥大学、哈佛大学、英国牛津大学、法国巴黎大学等名校。桑塔格是美国当代最重要的女性公共知识分子,拥有独立的思想和广阔的视野,被誉为“美国公众的良心”。她的创作跨越政治、文化、文学、艺术等多个领域,代表作有《反对阐释》(Against Interpretation,1966)、《论摄影》(On Photography,1977)、《疾
Columbia University was founded in 1754 as King's College and as the fifth oldest higher education institution in the United States. Since its humble beginnings as a school house in lower Manhattan,2
When it comes to the nuclear family, I'm hopelessly sentimental.' I spent the whole summer before I went off tocollege mourning the fact that our family would never bethe same. If lny parents were fee
So you think you have an unhappy marriage? On Oct. 8, 1862, just two weeks after she wed the 34-year-old novelist Leo Tolstoy, the former Sofia Behrs was writing in her diary: "The whole of my husband
In June 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett started the GivingPledge: an initiative aimed at getting billionaires to pledge at least half of theirnet worth to charitable donations.So far,
EIris Presley took eating to more absurd heights than anyone could possibly justify.' He snacked constantly--on Hostess cupcakes, Eskimo Pies, Krispy Kreme doughnuts.~ When he ate a pie or cake, that
Famously weather-obsessed British people spend on average six months of their lives talking about whether it's going to rain or shine,according to a survey published recently.