RE102是某星载相控阵雷达波控单机电磁兼容性测试重要项目之一,目的是定量测试单机壳体和所有互连电缆10 k Hz~1 GHz频段内对外骚扰强度.针对某星载相控阵雷达波控单机在内场进行RE102测试中多点超标的问题,基于波控原理,对波控单机内部电磁环境进行了分析,提出了采取接地、屏蔽、滤波等一系列设计改进措施.测试结果表明,改进后的波控单机辐射发射电平在80~100 MHz频段有超过25 d B的下降,所采用的辐射骚扰抑制措施容易实施且具有通用性,为类似星载电子设备的开发提供了参考.
RE102 is one of the most important items in electromagnetic compatibility test of single-carrier phased array radar wave control. The purpose is to quantitatively test the external disturbance intensity in 10 k Hz ~ 1 GHz band of single-machine shell and all interconnected cables. Based on the principle of wave control, the internal electromagnetic environment of the single-machine wave control was analyzed, and a series of design improvement measures such as grounding, shielding and filtering were put forward The test results show that the improved stand-alone radiated emission level of the wave control has more than 25 dB drop in the 80-100 MHz frequency band, and the radiation interference suppression measures adopted are easy to implement and have universal applicability. Development provides a reference.