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中国工程院2013年院士增选结果揭晓,《人民黄河》编委会顾问、中国水利水电科学研究院胡春宏教授级高级工程师当选中国工程院院士。胡春宏是我国泥沙学科带头人,长期在一线从事泥沙运动力学、河床演变与河道整治等领域的理论与应用研究,致力于我国江河湖库治理,特别是黄河治理的工程科技工作。在江河水沙调控与泥沙优化配置理论与模型、黄河口流路稳定与治理、黄河下游萎缩性河道治理与塑造中水河槽、三门峡水库运用方式调整与降低潼关高程、塔里木河干流河道治理与输水堤防 Chinese Academy of Engineering 2013 academicians announced the results of the election, “People’s Yellow River” Editorial Board consultant, China Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Professor Hu Chunhong level senior engineer elected Chinese Academy of Engineering. Hu Chunhong is a pioneer in sediment science in China. He has long been engaged in theoretical and applied researches in sediment mechanics, river bed evolution and river improvement in the field for a long time. He is devoted to engineering and science and technology work for the management of rivers and lakes and reservoirs in China, especially the Yellow River. In the theory and model of water and sand regulation and sediment allocation, the stability and treatment of the Yellow River estuary, the atrophy of the Lower Yellow River, the shaping and management of the Zhongshui River flume and the Sanmenxia Reservoir, and the adjustment of Tongguan elevation and the river regulation of the mainstream of the Tarim River Water dikes