根据气候要素影响因素 ,采用小网格点 (格距 1 1× 1 1km)对主要农业气象要素进行展开。给出了宁夏各网格点上的农业气候资料基本状况。从模拟结果看 ,除日照时数在冬季效果相对较差外 ,其它模拟结果均比较理想。气温的日最大误差为 0 9℃ ,降水量绝对误差只有7 6mm ,日照时数旬最大误差为 3 9h。
According to the influencing factors of climatic factors, the main agricultural meteorological elements are expanded with small grid points (grid spacing 1 1 × 11km). The basic status of agricultural climate data at each grid point in Ningxia is given. From the simulation results, except for the sunshine hours in winter relatively poor results, the other simulation results are more ideal. The maximum daily temperature error is 0 9 ℃, the absolute precipitation error is only 7 6mm, and the maximum error during the sunshine hours is 39h.