
来源 :上海人大月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chibi2
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从法律规定和理论上讲,地方立法权是地方组织法赋予地方国家权力机关的一项重要职权,人大及其常委会是立法的主体机关,理应在立法中发挥主导作用。地方立法中发挥人大常委会主导作用的提法,是相对于地方立法中提出立法议案主要来自于政府的状况,由此成为地方立法中比较关注的问题。其实,人大常委会在地方立法中的主导作用,并不在于提立法议 From the point of view of law and theory, local legislative power is an important power given by local organizations to the local state organs of power. The NPC and its standing committees are the main body of legislation and should play a leading role in legislation. Local legislation to play a leading role in the NPC Standing Committee’s formulation is relative to the local legislation proposed by the Legislative Council mainly from the government’s motion, which became more concerned about the local legislation issues. In fact, the leading role of the NPC Standing Committee in local legislation does not lie in the enactment of legislation
2011年全国人代会上,全国人大代表、上海市人大常委会主任刘云耕表示,今后地方立法重点将转向社会管理和关注民生,还要根据社会形势的发展变化,及时进行地方立法的“升级换代”。  盘点2011年度立法,市人大常委会共审议法规草案15件,通过10件,涉及社会民生类的立法占据多数“席位”,聚焦民生、关注社会领域立法成为市人大常委会立法的主线。同时,“成熟几条立几条”、“直面矛盾焦点不回避”的理念贯穿立法始