预会发 (2 0 0 3) 0 4 0号学会各分会 (专业委员会)、系列杂志编辑部 :自SARS (非典型肺炎)在祖国肆虐发生以来 ,中华民族面临少有的危难。在党中央、国务院领导和指挥下 ,全民动员 ,严防死守 ,艰难奋战。中华预防医学会在这次战斗中当然首当其冲。此前 ,在卫生部领导和支持下
Clubs (Committees), Series Magazine Editorials: Since the outbreak of the motherland in SARS (atypical pneumonia), the Chinese nation has been faced with rare distress. Under the leadership and command of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the entire people are mobilized to prevent their sticking and fighting hard. Of course, the Chinese Preventive Medicine Society will bear the brunt of this battle. Earlier, under the leadership and support of the Ministry of Health