一高速公路是专指 4个车道以上、汽车专用、双向分隔、高速行驶、全封闭、全立交、严格控制出入、交通设施完善的公路。它不仅为汽车的大量、快速、安全、舒适、连续地运行创造了条件 ,而且成为促进公路运输交通量迅速增长 ,减少交通事故、改善道路交通拥挤状况的新型的现代化
A highway specifically refers to more than 4 lanes, car-specific, two-way separation, high-speed, fully enclosed, full interchange, strict control of access, traffic facilities and improve the highway. Not only does it create the conditions for the mass, fast, safe, comfortable and continuous operation of automobiles, but it has also become a new type of modernization that promotes the rapid growth of traffic volume in road transport, the reduction of traffic accidents and the improvement of road traffic congestion