In this paper, we study the law of extracting tungsten from low concentration of primary amine in low concentration tungsten aqueous solution according to the solvation history. It has been found that the mechanism of solvothermal extraction of primary amines from aqueous solutions with high or low tungsten concentrations is different. Previous work showed that H 2 WO 4 was extracted into the organic phase from a high concentration aqueous solution of tungsten. This work showed that the extraction from the low concentration water phase into the organic phase was Other tungsten complexes, initially thought to be WO 2 (OH) _2, and in the extraction process, the first hydrophilic hydrate complexes formed, and then dehydrated into the organic phase. Experiments show that the formation ability of hydrate complexes decreases with the increase of support electrolyte concentration in water phase. The related infrared and ultraviolet spectra measured are discussed. Tertiary amine extraction of tungsten was studied. It is believed that tertiary amines, like primary amines and secondary amines, can also extract tungsten by solvation process. Since tertiary amines do not contain active hydrogen atoms, their ability to solvate is higher than that of primary amines and secondary amines Amine weak, which requires a large excess of tertiary amines, in order to get a higher extraction rate.