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本文研究低浓度伯胺从低浓度含钨水溶液中按照溶剂化历程萃钨的规律。发现伯胺从含钨浓度高或低的水溶液溶剂化萃取的机理不同,过去的工作表明从高浓度钨水溶液萃入有机相的是H_2WO_4,本工作表明从低浓度水相萃入有机相的是其它钨的络合物,初步认为是WO_2(OH)_2,并且在萃取过程中,首先形成亲水性的水合络合物,然后脱水而进入有机相。实验表明水合络合物的形成能力是随水相支持电解质浓度的增大而降低,讨论了测得的有关的红外和紫外光谱。研究了叔胺萃钨的特点,认为叔胺与伯胺及仲胺一样,也可按溶剂化历程萃钨,由于叔胺不含活性氢原子,因此它的溶剂化能力要较伯胺和仲胺弱,从而需要大量的过量叔胺,才能得到较高的萃取率。 In this paper, we study the law of extracting tungsten from low concentration of primary amine in low concentration tungsten aqueous solution according to the solvation history. It has been found that the mechanism of solvothermal extraction of primary amines from aqueous solutions with high or low tungsten concentrations is different. Previous work showed that H 2 WO 4 was extracted into the organic phase from a high concentration aqueous solution of tungsten. This work showed that the extraction from the low concentration water phase into the organic phase was Other tungsten complexes, initially thought to be WO 2 (OH) _2, and in the extraction process, the first hydrophilic hydrate complexes formed, and then dehydrated into the organic phase. Experiments show that the formation ability of hydrate complexes decreases with the increase of support electrolyte concentration in water phase. The related infrared and ultraviolet spectra measured are discussed. Tertiary amine extraction of tungsten was studied. It is believed that tertiary amines, like primary amines and secondary amines, can also extract tungsten by solvation process. Since tertiary amines do not contain active hydrogen atoms, their ability to solvate is higher than that of primary amines and secondary amines Amine weak, which requires a large excess of tertiary amines, in order to get a higher extraction rate.
在我们生活的星球上,病毒曾一度肆虐危害过人类,甚至给人类带来灾难。   据记载,公元前 2世纪~ 3世纪中国和印度就存在天花。公元 2世纪就有由疯狗咬伤引起的狂犬病的记述。古
《中国森林》这部系列专著由中国林业出版社于 2 0 0 1年全部出版完成了。这部专著的问世是在党的“改革开放”路线指引下 ,我国林业战线取得的一大丰硕成果。编写这部专著历
本文报道了十三个稀土元素的四十二个L_4MQH型β-双酮稀土元素配合物的高、低分辨质谱和亚稳跃迁实验结果。论证了它们在70 eV电子轰击下的断裂机理,并讨论了L,M及Q对断裂机
蓖麻是属于无瓣花类的大戟科蓖麻属,原为多年生的热带木本植物。学名Ricinus communis或Palmachristi。在亚、非、美三洲的热带地,蓖麻可說是野生的植物,树大成林,高可达10