In this paper, the chemiluminescence assay was used to detect the mycoplasma contamination in cultured cells.Experimental experiments using murine splenocytes and human or bovine polymorphonuclear leukocytes as indicator cells, based on mycoplasma-contaminated cells, Hydrazine chemiluminescence, chemiluminescence (CL) measurement with a liquid scintillation counter, to determine the degree of mycoplasma contamination.This method is suitable for single-layer or suspension cell culture, with sensitive, fast features, can be 3 to 5 hours to observe the results. In the absence of radioactive and other harmful chemicals, better than the currently used DNA staining, electron microscopy and agar plate inoculation and other methods.The experiment is divided into three steps: first human or cow venous blood, mouse spleen centrifuge to give instructions cells, Will indicate fine