In order to understand the citation quality of our country’s stomatological academic and technical journals, this paper statistically analyzes the citation of 13 stomatology statistical source journals in 2004, and calculates the total number of citations, citations, citation types, citation types, Distribution and self-cited ratio. The results showed that the average number of citation of 13 journals was 6.96, the average citation number of articles was 7.96, the average citation number of article was 15.46, and the number of citation of short articles and case reports was only 1.39. Citation 65.05% English, 31.70% Chinese, 0.25% Japanese, French only 1; more than 5 years accounted for 62.45% of the literature; journal self-cited ratio and self-citation were 5.30% and 2.65% respectively. It can be seen that the number of citations in oral medical journal articles should be increased, especially in the review articles; the citation time difference should be shortened and the languages should be widened. Authors and editors should work together to improve the quality of citation.