When the bridge sunshine temperature, the structure of the inner and outer surface to form a larger temperature difference, resulting in temperature stress. In order to study the sunshine temperature effect of thin-walled high piers, the temperature field of two thin-walled high piers with different piers with different pier shapes is tested and the distribution of temperature field of high piers with different thin-walled sections is obtained. The temperature field calculation formula is deduced to reveal the effect of the bridge strike on the temperature effect of thin-walled high pier sunshine. The results show that the temperature stress of the concrete thin-walled high pier changes periodically with the direction of the bridge. In the range of 0 ° -90 °, the longitudinal and vertical temperature stress of the pier increases with the increase of the azimuth of the bridge axis And the temperature stress in the transverse direction increases from 0 ° to 45 ° with the increase of the azimuth of the bridge axis, reaches the peak value of 45 °, and then decreases from 45 ° to 90 °.