由非洲开发银行主持,在科特迪瓦商务首都阿比让举行了为期2d 的会议,讨论非洲水资源利用和管理对策。来自非洲各国政府、非政府组织和多边机构的专家出席会议,讨论开放水市场和完善水资源管理的国际法问题。专家们认为,非洲6国利比亚、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、卢旺达、布隆迪和埃及,已经面临缺水局面,非洲一半以上的人口得不到安全和充足的供水,打破垄断,允许私营部门参与水管理以促进水资源工程的投资,可能有助于水问题的解决。乍得、南非和阿尔及利亚已经采取了这项措施。
Under the chairmanship of the African Development Bank, a 2-day meeting was held in Abidjan, the business capital of Côte d’Ivoire, to discuss measures for the utilization and management of water resources in Africa. Experts from African governments, non-governmental organizations and multilateral agencies attended the meeting to discuss issues of international law that open up the water market and improve water resources management. Experts believe that Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Rwanda, Burundi and Egypt, six African countries, are already facing a water shortage situation, with more than half of Africa’s population without access to safe and adequate water, breaking monopolies and allowing the private sector to participate in water management to promote The investment in water resources projects may help solve the water problem. This measure has been taken by Chad, South Africa and Algeria.