《皇帝的新装》是语文教材中的传统篇目,传统篇目形成了传统的理解:“皇帝”昏庸腐朽穷奢极欲挥霍无度,“骗子”阴险毒辣欺骗有术,“大臣”明智保身曲意逢迎,“老百姓”被愚弄被压追胆小怕事人云亦云,“小孩”不怕丢失什么毫无顾虑说出真话;童话以讽笑之鞭无情的挞伐了腐朽的封建王朝、至高无上的皇帝、道貌岸然的大臣,告诉我们应该保持天真烂漫的童心,无私无畏,敢于说真话,(以上“理解”均见人教社《教师用书》) 如此理解《新装》(简称,下同)中的人物和中心意
“The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a traditional part of Chinese textbooks. The traditional articles form a traditional understanding: “The emperor” is stupid, decadent, extravagant and extravagant. The “creeper” is sinister and destructive, and “the minister” is wise to protect the body. The “people” were fooled and pressed to be timid and timid. The “children” were not afraid of losing anything and they had no worries to tell the truth; the fairy tale relentlessly ridiculed the decadent feudal dynasty, the supreme emperor, and the honourable minister with irony. Telling us that we should maintain the innocence of innocence, be selfless and fearless, and dare to speak the truth. (The above “understanding” refers to the People’s Education Agency’s “Teacher’s Book”). So understand the characters and the central meaning of “New Clothes” (abbreviated below).