本实验研究了平面应变断裂韧性K_(1c)三点弯曲试验法的影响因素。试验材料为弹簧钢60Si_2Mn。 本实验对ASTME399-72所制定的《平面应变断裂韧性试验方法》中的若干问题进行了探讨,明确其合理的规定,对其中另一些规定提出了我们自己的实验结果和看法。 实验内容共分六部分: (1)跨距S对K_1的影响; (2)裂纹长度a与高度W比值对K_(1c)的影响; (3)加载速度对K_(1c)的影响; (4)预制疲劳裂纹的小级负荷对K_(1c)的影响; (5)疲劳裂纹长度对K_(1c)的影响; (6)载荷——位移曲线初始斜率对K_(1c)的影响。
The experimental study of the plane strain fracture toughness K_ (1c) three-point bending test of the influencing factors. The test material is spring steel 60Si_2Mn. In this experiment, some problems in the “Planar Toughness Fracture Toughness Test Method” developed by ASTME399-72 were discussed, the reasonable provisions were clarified, and some of the other provisions of the test were put forward for our own experimental results and opinions. The experiment is divided into six parts: (1) the influence of span S on K_1; (2) the influence of the ratio of crack length a to height W on K_ (1c); (3) the influence of loading speed on K_ (1c); 4) the effect of small load of prefabricated fatigue crack on K_ (1c); (5) the influence of fatigue crack length on K_ (1c); and (6) the influence of initial slope of load-displacement curve on K_ (1c).