在与 SARS 第一次较量的初期,广东省有众多医护人员被 SARS 病毒击倒,有一些甚至被 SARS 夺走了宝贵生命,这是一起世界医学史罕见的事件。本文的目的是探讨导致众多医护人员感染 SARS 的原因,并从中吸取经验教训,避免此类人间悲剧重演。初步研究结果表明,导致众多医护人员感染 SARS 的原因是多方面的,既有内因,也有外因,其主要包括:(1)机体的免疫力不足以抵御 SARS 病毒的攻击:(2)SARS 突如其来,医护人同对其认识不足,警惕性不高:(3)医护人员与 SARS 病人近距离接触,暴露于污染环境的时间过长:(4)医护人中未能及时获取疫情信息;(5)医护人员个人防护措施不力。在 SARS 疫苗面世之前,口罩是个人预防 SARS 病毒感染的最重要的武器。今后,在面对突然降临人间的传染病时,医护人员不但要勇于斗争,而且要善于斗争,在积极救治病人的同时,切实做好自身防护,防患于未然。
During the first battle with SARS, many medical workers in Guangdong Province were knocked down by the SARS virus and some were even taken away by SARS for their precious lives. This is a rare incident in the world history of medical science. The purpose of this article is to explore the causes of SARS among many health-care workers and learn from them to avoid such recurrence of human tragedies. Preliminary results show that many causes of SARS infection among medical staff are various, including internal and external causes. These include: (1) the immunity of the body is not enough to withstand the attack of the SARS virus; (2) SARS is sudden, (3) Health care workers get close contact with patients with SARS and have been exposed to polluting environment for too long: (4) The health care workers have not been able to obtain timely information on outbreaks; (5) Health care workers personal protective measures ineffective. Before the advent of the SARS vaccine, masks are the single most important weapon in preventing SARS virus infections. In the future, in the face of a sudden onset of infectious diseases among the people, medical and nursing personnel should not only have the courage to fight but also be good at fighting. In the meanwhile, they should do their best to protect themselves and take preventive measures in the meanwhile.