青虾性成熟早 ,繁殖力强 ,每年的 4~ 9月份均可产卵繁殖。秋季抱卵 ,亲虾日常所摄食的营养大部分用于胚胎发育 ,生长速度自然会减慢 ;再者 ,产生的大量秋繁苗与亲虾争食、争空间 ,必然会相互制约生长。到年底起捕上市时 ,子孙虾占很大比例 ,商品虾规格难以提高 ,而且很不均匀
Shrimp early sexual maturity, fertility, 4 to 9 months each year can oviposit. In the autumn, most of the nutrients that the broodstock consumes daily are used for embryo development, and the growth rate will naturally slow down. In addition, a large amount of autumn and autumn seedlings competing with broodstock will inevitably restrict each other’s growth. By the end of the catch market, offspring accounted for a large proportion of shrimp, shrimp specifications difficult to improve, and very uneven