芬兰的森林研究人员表示,经过2012年低迷后,2013年对于木材加工业和林业来说是积极乐观的一年。从2011年到2012年,纸张产量将下降9%。2012年锯材的需求量持续下降。与2011年相比,针叶材原木的价格将上涨5%~6%。芬兰林业研究所(Finnish ForestResearch Institute,Metla)在其发表的经济展望报告中提到,木材加工行业整体利润及私营林业利润将下降。该预测与Pellervo经济研究杂志发表的看法一致。Metla预测锯材产量与2011年相比将下降4%。2012年芬兰的采伐量预计
Forest researchers in Finland said that after the downturn in 2012, 2013 was a very positive year for the timber processing and forestry industries. From 2011 to 2012, paper output will drop 9%. Demand for sawn timber continued to decline in 2012. Compared with 2011, softwood logs will rise 5% to 6%. The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) mentioned in its published Economic Outlook report that overall profits in the wood processing industry and private forestry profits will decline. This prediction is in line with the one published in the Pellervo Journal of Economic Research. Metla forecast sawnwood production will decline 4% from 2011. The 2012 harvest in Finland is projected