Li Dazhao is a pioneer of Marxist historiography. His “Theory of Historiography” is divided into six chapters: “what is history”, “what is history”, “history system”, “ The position in science ”, “ the relationship between history and its related knowledge ”and “ the study of modern history and influence on life attitude ”. Bai Shouyi commented: “The Theory of Historiography is a booklet of less than 40,000 words, but this is an important book that opens the way for the study of Marxist historiography, which contains a revolutionary, a proletarian theory His sincere hope for the future of humankind, Li Dazhao is indeed the first person to open the way for the dissemination of the Marxist historiography in China. ”~ ① Uchida silver possession was born in 1862 and died in 1919. He was a liberal arts student at Tokyo Imperial University and Imperial College Kyoto