Forecast of Flood in Chaohu Lake Basin of China Based on Grey-Markov Theory

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiushuigediao
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Flood is one kind of unexpected and the most common natural disasters, which is affected by many factors and has complex mechanism. At home and abroad, there is still no mature theory and method used for the long-term forecast of natural precipitation at present. In the present paper the disadvantages of grey GM (1, 1) and Markov chain are ana- lyzed, and Grey-Markov forecast theory about flood is put forward and then the modifying model is developed by making prediction of Chaohu Lake basin. Hydrological law was conducted based on the theoretical forecasts by grey system GM (1, 1) forecast model with improved Markov chain. The above method contained Stat-analysis, embodying scientific approach, precise forecast and its reliable results. Flood is one kind of unexpected and the most common natural disasters, which is affected by many factors and has complex mechanism. At home and abroad, there is still no mature theory and method used for the long-term forecast of natural precipitation at present. In the present paper the disadvantages of gray GM (1, 1) and Markov chain are ana- lyzed, and Gray-Markov forecast theory about flood is put forward and then the modifying model is developed by making prediction of Chaohu Lake basin. Hydrological law was conducted based on the theoretical forecasts by gray system GM (1, 1) forecast model with improved Markov chain. The above method contained Stat-analysis, embodying scientific approach, precise forecast and its reliable results.
日前,萧县公安局交警大队四中队在310国道巡逻中,查纠一起危及乘客生命严重超员的交通违章,并将这辆有诈骗嫌疑的大客车查扣,大客车驾驶员冯某被依法拘留。 2000年12月18上午9时许,四中队指导
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