胃粘膜下恒径动脉破裂出血是上消化道出血的少见病因。作者遇到2例,报道如下。 例1,男,44岁,因反复呕血1年4次入院。否认消化性溃疡及肝病史。1年前,病人以服“感冒药”为诱因出现呕血、黑便首次入院,当时诊断为“急性胃粘膜病变”。住院1周治愈。此后每隔1~3月即出血1次,均经治疗血止。其间曾行2次钡餐透视,1次胃镜检查,均未见明显异常。第3次入院时,为明确诊断行剖腹探查,亦未发现病灶,行胃次全切除。术后1月再次出血,转上级医院,急症电子
Gastric mucosal constant diameter arterial rupture bleeding is a rare cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The author encountered two cases, reported as follows. Example 1, male, 44 years old, due to repeated vomiting 4 times a year admission. Denied the history of peptic ulcer and liver disease. One year ago, the patient vomited with vomiting “cold medicine” and the patient was admitted for the first time. He was diagnosed as “acute gastric mucosal lesion.” Hospitalized 1 week cure. Since then every 1 to 3 months that hemorrhage 1, are treated by blood only. During which 2 times barium meal fluoroscopy, 1 gastroscopy, no obvious abnormalities. The third admission, a clear diagnosis of laparotomy exploration, no lesions were found, the line subtotal gastrectomy. Bleeding again after January, transferred to higher-level hospitals, emergency electronics