Lomonosov Moscow State University莫斯科大学

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  Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) is a coeducational and public research university located in Moscow, Russia. It was founded on January 25,1755 by Mikhail Lomonosov. MSU was renamed after Lomonosov in 1940 and was then known as Lomonosov University. It also houses the tallest educational building in the world. It is rated among the universities with the best reputation in the world. Its current rector (校长) is Viktor Sadovnichiy.
  Since 1953, most of the faculties have been situated on Sparrow Hills, in the southwest of Moscow, 5 kilometers from the city center. The MSU main building was the tallest building in the world outside of New York City at the time of its construction, and remained the tallest building in Europe until 1990. The central tower is 240 meters tall, 36 stories high. It is said to contain a total of 33 kilometers of corridors(走廊) and 5,000 rooms.
  Currently the university employs more than 4,000 academics and 15,000 support staff. Approximately 5,000 scholars work at the university’s research institutes and related facilities. More than 40,000 undergraduates and 7,000 advanced degree candidates are enrolled. More than 5,000 specialists participate in refresher courses for career enhancement(提高). Annually, the university hosts approximately 2,000 students, graduate students, and researchers from around the world.
  Moscow State University is one of Russia’s most prestigious(声誉高的) institutions of higher learning, and has demanding entry requirements for prospective students. It was placed 87th overall by the Academic Ranking of World Universities and 108th by QS World University Rankings in 2016.
  11 Nobel laureates(获奖者) and 7 Fields Medal winners are affiliated(使隶属) with the university. It is the alma mater of many famous writers such as Anton Chekhov and Ivan Turgenev, politicians such as Mikhail Gorbachev and Mikhail Suslov.
  Word bank
  1.academic n.高等院校教师;高校科研人员
  2.refresher adj.复习进修的
  3.alma mater
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