加里森(美国)──《刺杀肯尼迪》 爱国。是先天下之忧而忧的情怀。 让真实曝露于光天化日之下;还是让谎言将我们自醉于瞒天过海的欺掩 之中?加里森告诉儿子:“好人太胆小了;坏人就会统治这个世界……”黑色 的眼珠充满白色的恐惧.心中深处的天平上欲望与真理在斗争.我
Garrison (United States) - “Assassination Kennedy” patriotism. Is the first world worry and worry feelings. Let the real exposure in broad daylight; or let the lies will we drunk to conceal the sea? Garrison told his son: “The good guys are too timid; the bad guys rule the world ...” The black eyes are full of white fears. Balance in the heart of the desire and the truth in the struggle. I