分枝杆菌温和噬菌体L5和携带耐药基因的分枝杆菌质粒均可应用于DNA转染和基因表达。目前进行基因转移的质粒有:偶发分枝杆菌的PAL 5000、瘰疠分枝杆菌的pMSC 262、其他细菌的pJRD 215和pNG2。为了将外源性基因稳定地整合至BCG染色
Mycobacterium phleum bacteriophage L5 and mycobacterial plasmids harboring drug-resistant genes are applicable to DNA transfection and gene expression. The current plasmids for gene transfer are PAL 5000 of Mycobacterium fortuitum, pMSC 262 of M. bovis, pJRD 215 and pNG2 of other bacteria. In order to stably integrate exogenous genes into BCG staining