It’s Your Call 向左走,向右走

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  Hello again, dear readers!
  To tell you the truth, the art of making choices is one of my favorite topics. You could say that I’m a choice junkie. From the smallest choices (what to wear, what to eat, what books to read) to the big ones (what to study in university, what job to take, moving to China), I see choice as the most powerful tool for making my life colorful and interesting. That’s why I couldn’t stop smiling as I read this month’s articles, all on the topic of making choices.
  The parents described in Escaping the Rat Race are my new heroes! With a single choice, they made the impossible possible, and changed the lives of everyone in their family. It just goes to show—don’t be afraid to dream big, and don’t be afraid to be unusual! But, of course, you can’t forget about the small, day-to-day decisions, either. When you add them all up, they really make a difference in your life. You Are What You Choose will give you more ideas about that.
  Now, for most students, the biggest choice you have to make in school is whether or not to fall asleep in chemistry class. But for the mother in Get a “Life Degree”, school(and life) is a whole different animal. After you read it, you just might get inspired to study harder and make bigger choices! Then you’ll probably want to check out Everything in Life Is a Choice to get some really good advice on how to make those choices well.
  In life, some people will make good choices and some people will make bad choices. Either way, the people who make their own choices will lead better and more interesting lives than people who are too afraid to choose. So, get ready, because life is knocking! Are you going to answer? It’s your call. Make the right choice!
  说实话,选择的艺术是我最喜爱的话题之一。你可以说我是个选择狂,从无足轻重的选择(诸如选择穿什么、吃什么、读什么)到重大的抉择(诸如选择大学学习哪个专业、做什么工作、移居中国),选择成了一个将我的生活变得趣味盎然的最强大工具。阅读着这期CR里的文章,我不禁会心微笑 ,因为它们均是关于选择这个话题的。
I was nine years old when my parents put me on a train in Chicago. Dad slipped the porter a few dollars to keep an eye on me until I reached Rock Island, IL. When the train pulled into the Rock Island
《少年维特的烦恼》是第一部让歌德在德国几乎一夜成名的小说。本书于1774年秋天在莱比锡书籍展览会上面世,并在那里成了畅销书。由此而来的成功给歌德的一生带来了名誉和财富。歌德(1749—1832)是德国近代杰出的诗人、作家和思想家。世人公认他是继但丁和莎士比亚之后西方精神文明最为卓越的代表。  这是一部以第一人称写就的书信体小说,带有浓烈的自传色彩。小说的情节十分简单:年轻的维特来到一个小镇,在一次
啦滴答滴答答  啦滴答滴答答
s I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is 1)AUTHENTICITY.  As I began to love myself I