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首先采用三明治夹心板等效理论建立了全高度蜂窝结构的等效模型,通过仿真计算提取出关注区域,将关注区域依据真实模型进行有限元建模,然后采用子模型分析技术进行细节分析,将仿真结果与试验结果进行对比,验证该分析方法的有效性和准确性。利用提出的分析方法对全高度蜂窝机翼结构进行仿真分析,讨论了全高度蜂窝结构各几何参数与单位质量失稳破坏载荷的关系,结果显示单位质量承载失稳载荷随着上、下板厚和壁厚增大呈现递增趋势,而随蜂窝胞单元边长增大呈递减趋势,且在一定范围内变化较小。最后采用多目标参数方法对蜂窝机翼结构进行了优化分析,结果表明蜂窝胞单元三个几何参数分别处于特定范围内时单位质量承受失稳载荷处于较大值。 Firstly, the equivalent model of full-height honeycomb structure is established by using the equivalent theory of sandwich sandwich panels. The attention area is extracted through simulation calculation, the finite area is modeled by the real model according to the region of interest, and then the sub-model analysis technique is used for detailed analysis. The simulation results and the experimental results are compared to verify the validity and accuracy of the analytical method. The proposed method is used to simulate the whole height cellular wing structure. The relationship between the geometrical parameters of the full height honeycomb structure and the unit mass failure load is discussed. The results show that the unit mass load instability load increases with the upper and lower plate thickness And wall thickness increased with increasing trend, but with cell edge length increased, the cell showed a decreasing trend, and changed little in a certain range. Finally, the multi-objective parameter method is used to optimize the honeycomb wing structure. The results show that the unit mass of the honeycomb cells is within a certain range when the three geometric parameters are within a specific range, respectively.