一、茂名具备建设“华南深水大港”和发展临港重化工业的优越条件 茂名港拥有得天独厚的深水港口资源优势,尤其博贺港区,以莲头半岛为依托,-10米等深线离岸仅700米,-15米等深线离岸2.5公里,-20米等深线离岸仅11公里(湛江港为30公里,惠州港为40公里),稍加疏浚即可达-22米水深,最适宜建设30万吨级大型深水码头。孙中山当年便对茂名的建港条件赞赏有加,在其著名的《建国方略》中,将茂名港列为实业兴国需重点开发建设的大型深水商港,向世人展示
First, Maoming has the construction of “South China Deepwater Port” and the development of port near the heavy chemical industry conditions Maoming port has a unique advantage of deep-water port resources, in particular, Bohe Port, the Lotus Peninsula as the basis, -10 meters isobath distance Shore only 700 meters, 2.5 meters away from the coastline of -15 meters, -20 meters isobath depth of only 11 kilometers (30 km Zhanjiang Port, Huizhou Port 40 km), a little dredging up to -22 meters Deep water, the most suitable construction of 300000 tons of large deep-water wharf. In that year, Sun Yat-sen praised Maoming’s construction conditions and praised Maoming in his famous “Founding of a Republic” as a large-scale deep-water commercial port to be rebuilt in order to rejuvenate the country and show the world