解放思想 广筹资金 为加快市话建设创造根本条件

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据初步测算,到2000年末时,上海市区电话机总数约可达到160万部左右,与号线之比约为1:1.4,(现为1:2.0),普及率约为20%。预计约需资金45.67亿元。资金来源预测,在本世纪以内,市话利润留成、各项折旧费留成与初装费等方面收入可用于扩大再生产部分约为31.22亿元,约为总投资的68.35%,尚短缺资金14.45亿元,如果加上贷款利息,总计短缺资金在19.5亿(按年息3%算)或24亿(按年息6%算)之间。加快市话建设势在必行,而资金问题首当其冲。出路在哪里?在于解放思想,打破常规。一方面用足用活现有政策,并要求政府进一步给以特殊政策,积累资金;另一方面必须搞活经营,采取一切可能的途径和方式,广开集资渠道,不断争取更多的资金来源,要敢于并善于“负债办企业”,“借鸡生蛋”,在实践中走出一条市话通信发展的新路子。 According to preliminary estimates, by the end of 2000, the total number of telephones in Shanghai will reach about 1.6 million, with a ratio of about 1.4: 1 (now 1: 2.0) and a penetration rate of about 20%. It is estimated that about 4.567 billion yuan will be needed. Source of funds projections, within this century, the local market profit retention, the remaining charge of the depreciation and installation costs and other aspects of income can be used to expand the reproduction of about 3.222 billion yuan, accounting for about 68.35% of the total investment, there is still a shortage of 1.445 billion yuan of funds With a total of $ 1.95 billion in shortfalls (at 3% per annum) or 2.4 billion (6% per annum) if loan interest is added. Speed ​​up the construction of local calls is imperative, and funding problems bear the brunt. Where is the way out? Is to emancipate the mind, to break the routine. On the one hand, they should make full use of existing policies and require the government to give further special policies to accumulate funds. On the other hand, they must engage in business operations and take all possible channels and ways to widen the channels of fund-raising and strive for more sources of funds. Dare and good at “debt to do business”, “borrow chicken”, in practice, out of a new development of local telephone communication.
“做央企难,做央企上市公司更难!”面对EVA考核和资本市场估值的双重标准,央企上市公司的管理模式如何做到“八面玲珑”? “Difficult to do central enterprises, central
目的 探讨急性脑卒中患者昏迷时血浆β-内啡肽(β-EP)水平的变化及纳洛酮治疗对其的影响.方法将51例格拉斯哥昏迷评分≤20分的急性脑卒中昏迷患者随机分为治疗组(26例)和对照组(25例).对照组给予常规治疗,治疗组在常规治疗基础上加用纳洛酮;两组治疗前后记录格拉斯哥昏迷评分、意识清醒时间及神经功能缺损评分(NDS),并检测血浆β-EP的水平.同时以同期急性脑卒中非昏迷患者22例作为非昏迷组.结果
目的 评价无创血液动力学监测系统(Bioz com)对急性心力衰竭(AHF)患者进行实时连续性血液动力学参数监测并指导AHF治疗的可行性。方法 对35 例AHF患者(治疗组)采用自身前后