滂沱大雨 中我依然仰望 着屹立在宁化石壁 镇南边的“红军桥”。听镇 干部说,这桥的前身是木屋 桥。清光绪二十二年被大火烧毁, 后改建为石块作墩,当地人称“石墩桥”。中间的石礅在1933年春的洪灾中被毁,交通 中断。当时,红军驻扎禾口(现石壁镇)时,看到当地群众过往大溪坑的困难。为方便当地群众过往,也为保证红军后续部队通畅无阻,驻军发动当地群众,从溪北乌石下采来石块,建起石墩,修复了该桥。当地群众为纪念红军的功绩,在桥墩顶端的“燕尾”上刻下“红军桥”及“红军万岁”的标语。
In the torrential rains, I still look forward to the “Red Army Bridge” that stands in the south of Ningbashi Shekzhen. Listen to the town cadres, said the bridge’s predecessor is a wooden bridge. Twenty-two years Guangxu was destroyed by the fire, later converted into stones for the pier, the locals call “Stone Pier Bridge ”. Stone scallions in the middle were destroyed during the floods of the spring of 1933 and traffic was interrupted. At that time, when the Red Army stationed in Hekou (now Shebi town), it saw the difficulties of the local people in the past to Dacikeng. In order to facilitate the passing of the local masses and to ensure that the follow-up force of the Red Army is unimpeded, the garrison mobilized the local masses to pick up stones from the Wuxi Wushu stone and built stone piers to repair the bridge. In commemoration of the Red Army’s achievements, local people engraved the banners of “Red Army Bridge” and “Long March of the Red Army” on the “dovetail” at the top of the piers.