锐器损伤是医护人员常见的一种职业性危害,对医护人员构成极大危险,急危重症的抢救及外科医师是发生锐器损伤的高危人群。污染的针刺伤及其他锐器伤是导致卫生人员发生血源性传播疾病的最主要的职业因素,自1981年MC Comick等[1]首次报道了针刺伤对卫生人员的危害以来,国内外学
Sharps injury is a common occupational hazards of medical staff, posing a great danger to medical staff, emergency treatment and surgeons are at risk of sharp injury. Contaminated needle sticks and other sharp injuries are the most important occupational factors that cause blood-borne STIs among health workers. Since the first report by MC Comick et al. [1] on the harm of needle sticks to health workers in 1981, Foreign study