妈妈: 你身体好吗?半年没有给你写信,你不会生气和怪女儿吧?女儿现在好想你,想得连做梦都在哭。 我离开家,来到中央戏剧学院这个高等学府学习已经一个学期了。回想起这半年的生活,真是酸甜苦辣一齐涌上心间,我是多么想向你倾诉这里的一切,让你同女儿一起分享这快乐和痛苦。妈妈,家里都很好吧!不是女儿不想给家里写信,而是不想让妈妈为女儿担心、受怕、牵肠挂肚。你身体不好,女儿希望妈妈身体健康。 刚刚来到北京,一切是那么的陌生和好奇。心中既兴奋又自卑,高兴的是我终于成为一名大学生,学习
Mom: How’s your body? Six months did not write to you, you will not be angry and strange daughter right? Daughter miss you now, even want to dream all cry. I left home and came to the Central Academy of Drama where I have been studying for a semester. Remembered this half a year of life, really sweet and sour all over my heart, how I want to tell you everything here, let you share with the daughter of this happiness and pain. Mom, the family is very good! Not the daughter did not want to write to the family, but do not want her mother worried about her daughter, fear, worry about. You are in poor health and my daughter wants her to be healthy. Just came to Beijing, everything is so strange and curious. Heart both excited and inferiority, happy that I finally became a college student, learning