世界著名古董车拍卖行RM Auctions于近日在摩纳哥呈现一场规模巨大的老爷车拍卖会。在呈现的近百辆精品汽车中,一辆1957年产的法拉利623 TRC Spider脱颖而出,以508万欧元的高价拍出,成为拍卖会标王。1957年产的法拉利623 TRC Spider一共仅被制造了两台,该次拍卖的便是其中之一,其底盘标号为0680 MDTR。在
The world famous antique car auction house RM Auctions recently in Monaco presented a large-scale classic car auction. Among the nearly 100 high-quality cars presented, a 1957 Ferrari 623 TRC Spider stands out at a high price of 5.08 million euros and becomes the auction superstar. The 1957 Ferrari 623 TRC Spider was built in only two, one of which was auctioned under the chassis number 0680 MDTR. in