且吟且诵 学经典

来源 :课程教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fatcatgao
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当下优秀传统文化越来越多地走进学生课堂,在有限的时间里将优秀传统文化经典学好,是广大中小学教师和学生遇到的新挑战。该书集结了作者十多年研习经典的心得体会和开展经典吟诵教学的实践经验,概括了一套关于古诗、词、曲、文经典的吟诵方法,它倡导语文教学回归实践理性的追求、回归审美的追求、回归智慧的追求,完成了 The current excellent traditional culture more and more into the classroom, in a limited time to learn good traditional culture, is the vast number of primary and secondary teachers and students meet the new challenges. The book builds on the experience of more than a decade of study classic experience and practice of classical recitation teaching, summarizes a set of recitation methods on ancient poetry, Ci, Qu, and classics, advocating the pursuit of Chinese teaching return to practical reason , Return to the pursuit of aesthetics, return to the pursuit of wisdom, completed
避過了夏季的炎炎烈日,迎来了秋季的飒爽清风,十一黄金周,  趁岁月静好,是时候逃离身边的纷扰与喧嚣,享受旅行的自在与欢愉。  在旅途中,无论是周游世界,体会行走的力量;  还是重温经典,感叹人类文明。  行至千山万水,  总有一处风景,一个瞬间,点缀我们平淡的生活。  运动场上开疆辟土  如果不能去远处游玩,近处的运动倒也趣味盎然,约小伙伴一起远足、骑行都能达到放松的目的,提到运动激情、狂野风范。