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一个美国政客应该经历的他都经历了,别的政客没有经历的他也经历了:奋斗、选举、拥戴、战争、丑闻、做秀、幽默、荣耀、成就、官司乃至破产和传言中的离婚……他的表演不算完美,但也尽心尽力。不用等到明年1月交班,在今年11月新总统揭晓时,他就会淡出人们的视野。最后看一看克林顿吧,你会看到一个标准的美国政客。 He has gone through the same course that a U.S. politician should go through. He has gone through without government politicians: struggle, election, support, war, scandal, show, humor, glory, achievement, lawsuit and even bankruptcy and rumors of divorce ... ... His performance is not perfect, but also dedication. Instead of waiting for the handover in January next year, he will fade from the perspective of the new president when it is revealed in November this year. Finally, take a look at Clinton, you will see a standard American politician.
据悉,青岛市社区医生长期无人报考,市南区取消全科医生招聘岗位;担心没人报名,市北区压根就没设;李沧区取消了4个事业编招聘岗位,其中3个是社区卫生服务中心招聘的……随着社区卫生服务中心的建设和不断完善,现在到社区看病的市民越来越多。可随着门诊量不断增加,社区里却出现了急缺医生的现象。社区活多难干还赚得少,平台低学习机会少,晋升空间小,这“三大问题”让社区既难招人也难留人。  青岛全科医生招聘“缺人消