近来在进一步贯彻中央和省委号召领导干部带头学好毛主席著作的高潮中,我们反复地学习了焦裕禄同志的光辉事迹.通过这一学习,进一步认识到:只有把活学活用毛主席著作当作毕生的战斗任务,并在改造主观世界上狠下功夫,才能象焦裕禄同志那样卓有成效地把毛泽东思想学到手,使自己在后半辈子更好地改造思想,更好地革命化,而不致辜负党的重托和人民的期望. 看到焦裕禄同志是那样对革命无限忠诚,为人民鞠躬尽瘁,具有无产阶级彻底的革命精神,不为名,
In the recent upsurge of further implementing the call of the leading cadres of the Central Government and the Provincial Party Committee to take the lead in learning Chairman Mao’s works, we have repeatedly learned the glorious deeds of Comrade Jiao. By this study, we have further realized that only by studying Chairman Mao’s work Lifelong fighting task and make great efforts in reforming the subjective world so as to learn Mao Tse-tung’s thinking fruitfully and effectively as Comrade Jiao Yulu did in the later half of his life so as to better transform and revolutionize our thinking in the rest of our lives without letting down the party Trust and expectations of the people .To see Comrade Jiao so unrestricted loyalty to the revolution, spare no effort for the people, with the revolutionary spirit of the proletariat thoroughly, without a name,