【摘 要】
1986-1988年9个试点的春花生试验表明:花生始花后25-30天喷施25-100ppm pp_(333)溶液或300-500ppm粉锈宁溶液可分别增产7.0%和10.0%左右。中等以上肥力,植株生长旺盛的田块增产
【机 构】
1986-1988年9个试点的春花生试验表明:花生始花后25-30天喷施25-100ppm pp_(333)溶液或300-500ppm粉锈宁溶液可分别增产7.0%和10.0%左右。中等以上肥力,植株生长旺盛的田块增产;地力低,植株生长差的田块无效。这两种药剂之所以增产,是由于抑制主茎及分枝营养生长,将光合产物集中分配到荚果;同时,粉锈宁还可增加后期青叶数,形成较多光合产物。试验药剂成本低,增产增收。
The spring peanut experiments of 9 pilot plots from 1986 to 1988 showed that spraying 25-100ppm pp_ (333) solution or 300-500ppm triadimencinil solution could increase the yield by 7.0% and 10.0%, respectively. Middle above fertility, strong growth of plants yield plots; low fertility, poor plant growth plots invalid. The reason why the two agents increase production is due to the inhibition of the main stems and branches of vegetative growth, the photosynthate will be distributed to the pod; At the same time, the triadimefon may also increase the number of late leaflets to form more photosynthetic products. Experimental reagents low cost, increase production and income.
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