八月的朝阳,给辽阔的渤海湾洒上了耀眼的光彩。在景色宜人的北戴河海滨,排列着许多装饰华丽的疗养院。然而,人们却把眼光投向了一座平淡无奇的疗养场所——河北省北戴河气功康复医院。人们向往这里,并不是寻找什么玄妙神功,而是为学得具有民族特色的中国医学气功,以求祛病强身。 1996年8月18日,是这个医院从风风雨雨中走过艰辛、曲折40年的日子。气功疗养院创建者、首任院长刘贵珍的台湾学生张仁峰,为感念恩师的教
The rising sun in August spilled a brilliant light to the vast Bohai Bay. In the scenic Beidaihe waterfront, lined with many decorated ornate sanatorium. However, people have turned their attention to a bland sanatorium - Beidaihe Qigong Rehabilitation Hospital in Hebei Province. People aspire to here, not looking for any mysterious magic, but for learning Chinese medicine Qigong with national characteristics, in order to eliminate illnesses and strengthen themselves. August 18, 1996, is the hospital from the ups and downs through the hard, tortuous 40-day days. Zhang Renfeng, a Taiwanese student who founded Qigong Nursing Home and Liu Guizhen, the first dean,