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历史教育对人类发展具有至关重要的作用,保证对历史科学地研读,将可从历史中总结前人智慧,吸取历史中教训,促进人类社会的科学发展。纵观现阶段我国历史教育,单就高中历史教育而论,其讲求东西方历史合并了解,望借助了解不同地区、不同国家的发展历史,促进现阶段高中生思想阅历的开发。然而,随着数字化网络的普及发展,各界媒体在弘扬与宣传历史文化时不免产生偏差,青少年偏听偏性而导致的历史知识误读现象越来越严重。故此,借助实际教学案例研究,阐述现阶段高中生历史知识学习误读现状,分析导致高中生历史知识误读现象产生的成因,并科学拟定解决策略,望就此扭转高中生历史知识误读现象,敦促其更全面、更科学地认知历史知识,掌握历史知识,应用历史知识。 Historical education plays a crucial role in human development. Assuring that we can study history scientifically, we can sum up the wisdom of our predecessors from history, draw lessons from history, and promote the scientific development of human society. Looking at the history education in our country at this stage, we only need to understand the historical education of East and West in light of the historical education of senior high schools. We hope that by means of understanding the history of development in different regions and different countries, we will promote the development of current high school students’ ideological and historical experiences. However, with the popularization of digital networks, media in all walks of life inevitably have deviations in carrying forward and propagandizing historical culture. Misunderstanding of historical knowledge caused by the partiality of juveniles is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, with the help of practical teaching case studies, this paper expounds the current situation of high school students’ misunderstanding of historical knowledge, analyzes the causes of the misunderstanding of historical knowledge among senior high school students, and draws up strategies to solve them. In this way, Urging them to more fully and scientifically understand the historical knowledge, master the historical knowledge and apply the historical knowledge.
分析了我国近几年发生的几起重特大瓦斯爆炸事故的原因并提出了相应的预防措施,从而促进煤矿的安全生产。 The causes of several serious gas explosions that occurred in