
来源 :中共石家庄市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taishengqi_1
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一、创建思想政治工作“红旗村”活动是怎样开展起来的 十一届三中全会以后,以家庭为基本生产单位的经济实体已占据了农村的主导地位,大批个体和私营企业主不断涌现,与此同时,一些不健康的消极的思想观念一度出现,如追求享乐、封建迷信、大操大办、玩钱赌博、卖淫嫖娼、精神空虚等,同时,农村基层组织也在一定程度上存在“一手软一手硬”,重经济、轻精神的问题。要做好农村思想政治工作,迫切需要找出一条适合县情的思想政治工作新路子。 基于以上认识。从1996年开始,经过反复研究探讨,县委、县政府决定在全县农村以阵地建设为中心,开展思想政治工作“红旗村”创建活动,利用党员活动室、文体活动室、农民科技学校、农村政策科技宣传一条街等阵地,对群众进行政策科技和先进文化知识教育,加强思想文化建设,突出文化和科技宣传。制订规范化标准,率先在全县树立起10个“红旗村”,充分发挥其示范带动作用,逐步发展,以达到 I. How to Create an Ideological and Political Work After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the economic entity with family as its basic production unit has taken the dominant position in rural areas. A large number of individuals and private-sector business owners are constantly emerging. At the same time, some unhealthy and negative thoughts and concepts emerged at one time, such as the pursuit of hedonism, feudal superstition, big business, money and gambling, prostitution, spiritual emptiness and so on. At the same time, grassroots organizations in rural areas also had “one Soft hands and hard hands ”, emphasis on economic, light spirit of the problem. To do a good job in ideological and political work in rural areas, there is an urgent need to find a new way of ideological and political work that is suitable for the county affairs. Based on the above understanding. Since 1996, after repeated study and discussion, the county party committee and county government decided to establish a political and ideological work “Hongqi Village” in the rural areas of the county with the construction of the center as a center. Party members’ activities, cultural and sports activities rooms, peasant science and technology schools and rural areas Policy science and technology publicize a street and other positions, the masses of policy science and technology and advanced cultural knowledge education, strengthen ideological and cultural construction, highlighting the culture and science and technology publicity. Formulate standardized standards, the first in the county set up 10 “Hongqi Village”, give full play to its exemplary role in promoting and gradually developed to achieve
国家发展和改革委员会宏观经济研究院常务副院长王一鸣1日在国务院新闻办举行的中外媒体吹风会上说,今年以来,中国经济运行总体平稳。经济保持平稳增长,上半年经济增长7.6%,高于年初7.5%的全年预期目标,经济增速仍然保持在合理区间。总体上看,经济增长率、就业水平没有滑出“下限”。  经济增速换挡期间不能失速  “中国经济增长正处在换挡阶段。”他说,中国经济增长正在发生阶段性变化,这种变化是符合经济规律
本文对图书馆馆员的素质现状、应具备的素质和提高素质的途径进行了探讨,以更好的推进图书馆的建设,发挥图书馆的重要作用。 This article probes into the quality status