Comparative study of kinetic modeling for the oxidative coupling of methane by genetic and marquardt

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haisangpiao
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Overall kinetic studies on the oxidative coupling of methane,OCM,have been conducted in a tubular fixed bed reactor,using perovskite titanate as the reaction catalyst.The appropriate operating conditions were found to be:temperature 750-775 ℃,total feed flow rate of 160 ml/min,CH4 /O2 ratio of 2 and GHSV of 100·min-1 .Under these conditions,C 2 yield of 28% was achieved.Correlations of the kinetic data have been performed with lumped rate equations for C2 and COx formation as functions of temperature,O2 and CH4 partial pressures.Six models have been selected among the common lumped kinetic models.The selected models have been regressed with the experimental data which were obtained from the Catatest system by genetic algorithm in order to obtain optimized parameters.The kinetic coefficients in the overall reactions were optimized by different numerical optimization methods such as:the Levenberg-Marquardt and genetic algorithms and the results were compared with one another.It has been found that the Santamaria model is in good agreement with the experimental data.The Arrhenius parameters of this model have been obtained by linear regression.It should be noted that the Marquardt algorithm is sensitive to the first guesses and there is possibility to trap in the relative minimum. Overall kinetic studies on the oxidative coupling of methane, OCM, have been conducted in a tubular fixed bed reactor, using perovskite titanate as the reaction catalyst. The appropriate operating conditions were found to be: temperature 750-775 ° C, total feed flow rate of 160 ml / min, CH4 / O2 ratio of 2 and GHSV of 100 · min-1 .Under these conditions, C 2 yield of 28% was achieved. Corlations of the kinetic data have been performed with lumped rate equations for C2 and COx formation as functions of temperature, O2 and CH4 partial pressures. Both models have been selected among the common lumped kinetic models. The selected models have been regressed with the experimental data which were obtained from the Catatest system by genetic algorithm in order to obtain optimized parameters. The kinetic coefficients in the overall reactions were optimized by different numerical optimization methods such as: the Levenberg-Marquardt and genetic algorithms and the results were compared with one another. It has be en found that the Santamaria model is in good agreement with the experimental data. The Arrhenius parameters of this model have been obtained by linear regression. It should be noted that the Marquardt algorithm is sensitive to the first guesses and there is possibility to trap in the relative minimum.
1945年,诺贝尔生理医学奖颁发给了对青霉素研究有杰出贡献的三位科学家:1928年发现青霉素的英国生物学家亚历山大·弗莱明(Alexander Fleming),以及实现了青霉素量产的科学家
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目的: 探讨耐多药结核分枝杆茵,临床分离株rPOB、KatG和rpsL基因突变在糖尿病合并肺结核患者耐药性检测中的应用价值.方法: 采用聚合酶链反应-单链构象多态性(PCR-SSCP)技术