张知寒,1928年生于山东滕州市,受家庭熏陶,自幼苦读经书,立下“修齐治平”之志。然而伯父不同意他从政,断言:“你是个善良的人。自古以来,善良的人只能当圣贤,不能当豪杰。你若从政,文不过区长,武不过团长。将来你只有三条路:教书、从医、种地。” 张知寒不服,青年时期就参加了当地反对国民党当局的学生运动,后从事地下工作,多次受到通缉。张知寒的名字就是中共地下党领导为他改的。后来他参加了人民空军,进驻杭州笕桥机场,21岁当上了连长。正当他准备驾机飞上蓝天的时候,却因救助战友负伤,久治不愈,只好放弃将军梦,转业到了地方。
Zhang Zhihan was born in 1928 in Tengzhou City, Shandong Province. Influenced by his family, he studied hard at his classics and set the stage of “repairing and leveling up”. However, uncle did not agree with his political affair, asserting: “You are a good person. Since ancient times, good people can only be saints, can not be heroic. If you are political, but the mayor of text, Wu, but the head of the future you only have three roads : Teaching, Medication, and Cultivation. ”Zhang Zhubin was not satisfied. When he was a young man, he participated in a student movement against the Kuomintang authorities in his native place. Afterwards, he was engaged in underground work and was repeatedly wanted. Zhang Zhihan’s name was changed by the party’s underground party leader. He later joined the People’s Air Force, stationed in Hangzhou Qiaoqiao Airport, 21-year-old became the commander. At the time when he was preparing to fly in the blue sky, he was forced to give up his general dream and was transferred to the place because of the wounded aid he suffered from a long time ago.