2012年世界著名电子行业研究机构IMS Research发布了“全球闭路电视和视频监控设备市场报告(第九版)”。报告对全球CCTV及视频监视设备市场(分三个主要地区,即:欧洲/中东/非洲、南北美洲和亚洲)进行了较全面的调查分析并认为,尽管经济疲软不稳定,但全球视频监控设备市场仍会在2012年增长超过12%,网络监控摄像机销售额预计会从2011年全球安防摄像机销售收入的约40%增长至2016年的约60%。这进一
In 2012, IMS Research, the world’s leading electronics industry research institute, released the “Market Report on Global CCTV and Video Surveillance Equipment (Ninth Edition).” The report conducts a more comprehensive survey and analysis of the global CCTV and video surveillance equipment market in three major regions: Europe / Middle East / Africa, North and South America and Asia. It considers that despite the unstable economy, the Global Video Surveillance Equipment The market will still grow by more than 12% in 2012 and network surveillance camera sales are expected to increase from about 40% of global security camera sales in 2011 to about 60% in 2016. This into one