广汉三星堆一、二号坑规模之大,出土遗物数量之多、种类之丰富,是巴蜀文化遗存中仅见的(简报分别见本刊1987年第10期及本期)。这里试就有关的两个问题进行探讨,以就正于方家。 (一)关于一、二号坑的性质简报中已介绍,两坑的许多遗物都涂朱、涂黑、涂蓝并有意识地毁坏。有人根据坑内遗物被毁的现象,认为:“这些偶像和神树都是毁坏后埋藏的,这大概与‘厌胜’巫术有关。……有些原始部族认为不灵验的灵
Guanghan Sanxingdui No. 1, No. 2 pit scale, the number of unearthed relics, the rich variety, is only seen in Bashu cultural relics (briefings, respectively, see the 10th issue of this issue and the current period). Here to test the two issues to be explored, just to Fang Fang. (A) About the nature of No. 1 and No. 2 pits. It has been introduced in the briefing that many relics in the two pits are painted Zhu, black and blue and are intentionally destroyed. According to the phenomenon of the destruction of relics in the pit, some people think: ”These idols and deities are buried after being destroyed, which is probably related to the“ disgusting ”witchcraft .... Some primitive tribes think that the spirit of inefficiency