贾平凹在文艺界中有三才的美称——全才、奇才、鬼才.外界关于这个文坛异数的传闻实在是太多了.中国文坛的名家很多.但是像贾平凹这样的每出一部作品就令读者和编辑乃至评论家都感到胃痉挛的作家却不是很多。 偶然的机缘.我见到了这个倍受争议的作家。1米68左右的个头,微胖.俗俗的面容,略有谢顶。一口浓浓的陕西商州口音,突兀中带着雅致,平凡中透着音韵,很亲切。
Jia Pingwa has three beautiful names in literary and arts circles - all-genius, the Wizards and the devil. There are so many rumors about this literary alien number. There are many famous Chinese literary figures, but for every piece of work like Jia Pingwa, Few writers, readers and editors, and even critics, feel stomach cramps. By chance, I met this controversial writer. About 1 meter 68 heads, slightly fat. Popular surface, a little bald. A thick Shaanxi Shangzhou accent, unexpected with elegant, ordinary in the rhyme, very cordial.