老甲艺术馆创作室的八位来自全国各地的青年画家,经过一段时间的酝酿与潜心探索,终于推出了他们那充满生活气息的作品展。 与时尚不同的是,这八位画家的作品充满了浓郁的生活气息,以对新生活的讴歌与形式美感的探索,让人感受到了一种久违了的亲切气息,成为近年群众性美术活动中引入瞩目的现象,因而给人留下了深刻印象。 我们同意这样的看法,在一个艺术多元化格局的时代,现实主义艺术与现代主义艺术,具象写实与抽象写意等都具有同等价值,它们只有风格、样式、语言之别,而无高下优劣之分;艺术史表明,一切优秀的艺术家,都是从现实生活出发,以各自的体验,独抒怀抱的;并且他们并不甘于充当时尚的仆役与时髦的尾巴的。
Eight young painters from all over the country in Lao Jia Art Museum’s studio came out with a long period of deliberation and painstaking exploration and finally launched their exhibition full of life. Different from fashion, these eight painters’ works are full of rich flavor of life. Exploring the new songs and formal beauty of new life, people feel a kind of long-lost cordial atmosphere and become the most popular art activities in recent years The introduction of the phenomenon of attention, so left a deep impression. We agree with this view that in an era of pluralism of art, realistic art has the same value as modernist art, figurative realism and abstract freehand brushwork. They have the same style of style, style and language, but no superiority or inferiority The history of art shows that all good artists start their own lives and express themselves in real life; and they are not willing to act as fashionable servants and fashionable tail.