深情的土地 深情的人——记省人大代表、中共伊通满族自治县县委书记程长祝

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生命,是一棵扎根在大地上的植物,成长之初,迎接的就是义无返顾的风雨洗礼。此时此刻,对于与伊通满族自治县40多万父老乡亲同呼吸共命运10载的程长祝来说,脚下这片热土,是他生命中最依恋的人生驿站。当记者在省九届人大二次会议四平代表团讨论会场见到程长祝时,他正就洪虎省长所作的《政府工作报告》中关于“面向市场,发展效益型农业”话题,结合伊通县实际,谈论着自已的想法,话语之中,时时洋溢着他对家乡的拳拳眷爱之情。他提出的“县域经济首先要抓好开放带动战略”、“向农业产业化经营要效益”等建议,切中我省农业和农村工作问题要害,显示出一位长年工作在基层的领导者和人大代表娴熟驾驭工作的能力及对党和人民的事业高度负责的精神风貌。 Life, is a plant rooted in the earth, the beginning of growth, is to meet the unforgettable storm baptism. At this moment, for Cheng Changzhu, who lives with more than 400,000 fellow initiates in the Yitong Manchu Autonomous County for a total of 10 years, this hot land at the foot of his life is the most innocent post of life in his life. When a reporter saw Cheng Changzhu at the discussion forum of the Siping delegation of the Second Session of the Ninth NPC, he was discussing the topic of “market-oriented and efficiency-oriented agriculture” in the “Report on the Work of the Government” made by Governor Hong Hu In actuality, Yitong County talked about his own thoughts and discourse, and always filled with his love for hometown. He proposed “The county economy should first of all do a good job with the strategy of opening up and driving ”, “to the benefit of agricultural industrialization ” and other proposals, cut in the key issues of agriculture and rural work in our province, showing a long-term work at the grassroots level Leaders and deputies of the NPC deputies adept at managing their work and the spirit of being highly responsible to the cause of the party and the people.
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