本文提出了利用微机技术计算水利工程建筑中板式基础的方法。数学模型按弹性地基梁计算中的链杆法建立。程序以 BASIC 语言设计。链杆法是求解弹性地基梁的传统方法之一,但其计算十分繁杂,而且计算精度因所取链杆数目的多少相差甚大。本文应用微机使计算大为简化,并能根据工程需要达到计算精度。此法可在工程实际中广为采用。
In this paper, the method of calculating the slab foundation in water conservancy construction by using computer technology is put forward. The mathematical model is established according to the chain method in beam calculation of elastic foundation. The program is designed in BASIC language. Chain method is one of the traditional methods to solve elastic foundation beam, but its calculation is very complicated, and the accuracy of calculation is greatly different due to the number of chains it takes. In this paper, the application of microcomputer to simplify the calculation, and can meet the engineering needs to achieve the accuracy. This method can be widely used in engineering practice.